Fighter squadron scream in demons over europe Version 1.50 Info: Fixes: New Glide detection and setup which should properly handle the plethora of Rush and Banshee driver versions available. SLI support. In theory, the game should now support up to 1280 x 1024 if your board has enough framebuffer RAM. CD-ROM copy protection code has been removed. You will no longer have to put the FS CD into your CD-ROM drive before playing the game. Rudder control using the keyboard now works properly. The padlock command has been fixed so that it won't attempt to follow a target when one hasn't been selected. Independent engine control and feathering hasbeen fixed. The following are the new engine key mappings: Shift E : Turns all engines on Control E : Turns all engines off. Shift 1-4 : Turns engine 1 - 4 on. Control 1-4 : Turns engine 1-4 off. Shift P : All Props feathered. Control P : All props un-feathered Shift 5-8 : Feathers prop 1-4 Control 5-8 : Un-feathers prop 1-4 Fixed a weapon bug that would randomly cause the program to crash when firing rockets or bombs. Modified engine 'death' so that the part it's attached to is less likely to survive catastrophic engine failure. Reduced the spinning ability of anything that's not a prop or a tire. This should greatly reduce the occurrence of the problem of airfoils spinning through the air in odd ways. Modified viscous drag a bit more which will affect all objects. This will have the side effect of slowing the aircraft faster. Modified gun smoke and tracer smoke so they rise instead of sink. Fixed a bug that kept the Reverse Speakers option from working. Modified the damage code so that extremely large incidents of damage are more likely to cause total failure in any given part. Plugged a hole in the net file verification which allowed a player to hex-edit the parfile containing aircraft. This hole could be used to modify flight characteristics and would previously not be detected when starting a network game Loadout files are now compared when starting a network game. This will prevent such things as one player giving himself high-power cannons that the other players don't have. Removed Glide splash screen. Increased the speed of the turrets and gun positions. Fixed a mission editor bug where new loadouts (as set up in an aircraft loadout.ppf, by the end-user) would not show up in the mission editor. Moved the gamma call so that the screen doesn't abruptly change in brightness as the simulation starts. New features: Added a target info overlay. When you select or change your target it will appear and give you information about thattarget. The 'C' key will turn it on and off. This overlay is automatically turned on when you change your target. Hud and view states are now saved to the INI file between sessions. Added trim reset commands, they are: inpAileronTrimReset = Alt LeftArrow inpElevatorTrimReset = Alt UpArrow inpRudderTrimReset = Alt DownArrow Added a command to target the nearest hostile vehicle: inpTargetNearestHostile = N Added commands to set the fire mode for pylons and bomb bays. These allow you to set a single fire mode (although all rocket and bomb pylons will fire at least one item when the release button is pressed) or ripple (default) when the release button is pressed. These commands are: npSetRippleMode = 7 inpSetSingleFireMode = 8 Added Sound Options checkbox for turning off bogie callouts. Added Input Options checkboxes for inverting Mouse X and Y input. Added Input Options sliders for joystick and rudder deadzone and sensitivity. Added INI support for modifying the input RX, RY and Z deadzone and sensitivity. These entries are: "RXDeadZone", "RXSensitivity", "RYDeadZone", "RYSensitivity", "ZDeadZone" and "ZSensitivity". These settings have the same defaults as the joystick and rudder settings (0 and 0.75 respectively). Added a General Options checkbox for disabling head shake. Added INI support for pushing the fog out. By using the INI settings, "FarClip" (defaults to 6) and "FogNearClip" (defaults to 5) you can push the fog out to any distance supported by the speed of your hardware. Both numbers specify the number of miles to push those boundaries out and FogNearClip should always be less than FarClip (1 mile is usually sufficient). Added Friendly/Enemy coloring to the aircraft ID overlay. Added an INI option called "CinemaDelay" (defaults to 0.5) which is the number of seconds to trail behind your aircraft in F3 view. Added INI options to change the view defaults "MaxFOV" (defaults to 2.0 ) which represents the widest field of view attainable when zooming out, "MinFOV" (defaults to 0.2) which represents the smalled field of view attainable when zooming in and "MinInstrFOV" (defaults to 0.2) which is the zoom to use when one of the QuickKeys (F9-F12) is pressed. Third HUD mode which gives you a two line display at the top of the screen. Current overlay settings and modes are saved between sessions. A network game log is saved on each player's machine when they leave the network debrief screen. Note that there may be differences between log files even when users leave the game at the same time, if each player hasn't received all status updates at the time they leave the debrief screen. The eject key mapping has been changed to Control J. Its old mapping of Control E was too similar to often used (and desired) engine commands. Infinite ammo has been implemented for rockets, bombs and the bomb bay. There is a 10 second delay between the time that the pylon or bay is emptied and when it gets refilled. The D3D driver for 3Dfx boards is now available in the Options | Display screen if you have a 3Dfx board and drivers installed. Added a Sound Options checkbox for turning off the wind sound. Added a General Options for turning off the auto-display of target information. Input map changes/additions (these are explained in more detail above) Control J Eject. Shift E Turns all engines on. Control E Turns all engines off. Shift 1-4 Turns engine 1 - 4 on. Control 1-4 Turns engine 1-4 off. Shift P All Props feathered. Control P All props un-feathered. Shift 5-8 Feathers prop 1-4. Control 5-8 Un-feathers prop 1-4. 7 Set Ripple Mode 8 Set Single-Fire Mode N Target Nearest Hostile Alt LeftArrow Aileron Trim Reset Alt UpArrow Elevator Trim Reset Alt DownArrow Rudder Trim Reset C Toggle target information overlay.